Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Used Skate Sharpening Machine For Sale

Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
PG: Arthur Kirkland (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Rating: Green.
* 3 * Note: Two lines on the situation of the current crisis in the UK. The government decides to turn off the majority of streetlights in London and the surrounding counties after 6 to save money.

He feels, that tingling unexpected as unwanted hands. He feels it, and to crawl over / under / his skin. The furious hear the screams, the curses swallowed by the background hum, which so resemble a gear, taking the unusual role of funeral melody.

And while the orchestra of hatred and rebellion scovolge in the middle of the night, when a sharp stabbing pain, it awakens and emits a long sigh, her hand pressing against the sternum. It 's the sound of the suburbs of London that it addressed, what he feels punctured ear and corrode skin. That's when half a million jobs go to hell, when nelle sue città viene spenta la luce dei lampioni solo per risparmiare lurido denaro,che si chiede come diavolo erano arrivati a questo. 

Il buio su Londra. 

Black out.